Frequently Asked Questions

At PrintMTG, our goal is not to make exact replicas, but rather to make high-quality close-match proxies that are convincing when sleeved. We don’t add holo stamps, for example. Instead they are printed from our scans.

While Proxy King specializes in exact replicas, recreated by their design team, PrintMTG takes a different approach. We utilize high-resolution scans and printing onto top-notch card stock.

We ensure that each proxy matches the original cards’ size and weight. Although these proxies might lack holographic stamps and the texture may slightly differ from original Magic cards, they’re incredibly convincing when sleeved and perfect for casual play around the kitchen table.

The benefit of our approach is that we can offer virtually any card, at a low price.

With our MTG proxy printing service, you can print almost any card ever produced. It may take some time to get brand new releases into our database.

If you are trying to get a specific print that isn’t coming up in our tool, reach out and we will see if we can make it.

Our MTG proxy printing service allows you to input an entire deck and have it printed on demand.

In addition, you can upload your own designs or make them with our online card design tools.

Our service has a great advantage over other proxy sites due to our ability to offer virtually any MTG card ever made – at an unbeatable price point, complete with quantity discounts.

We have created high quality MTG card templates that allow you to completely design and customize unique Magic the Gathering cards. Our easy onling editor let’s you edit text, images, symbols, and more to make each card completely unique. Just check out our MTG Card Maker to get started.

Yes! With our MTG card printing service, you can paste in an entire deck list for printing. 

No, you can print a single card if you want. And if you order higher quantities, you can save money with our quantity price breaks. 

Yes we can. We will be rolling it out on our site soon. In the meantime, you can reach out if you want custom foil printing, it is a bit more expensive than standard card printing.

We use only high-quality printers and premium cardstock, ensuring our proxies closely resemble original MTG cards in terms of size, weight, and color. Note that these are not meant to be exact replicas or counterfeits. 

Custom Orders: Since each order is custom-made and created specifically for you, we generally do not accept returns. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction means we produce items to your specifications very quickly.

However, if we have not printed your order yet, you may cancel it by reaching out to our customer support email. Note that we often print within a few hours of recieving an order, so pleasse reach out ASAP.

  • Wrong Order: The only exception to our no-returns policy is if you receive an incorrect order. If this happens, please contact us immediately. We are committed to rectifying any mistakes by adjusting your order to ensure you receive the correct items.
  • Dissatisfaction: If you are not satisfied with your order for any reason, we ask that you provide us with a detailed explanation and include pictures illustrating your concerns. If there are issues with the printing or cards, we will replace them or give you a credit.

We typically print orders within 2 business days. Many are printed the same or next day. During peak periods, the time may be extended slightly. 

Shipping depends on your location and what shipping option you choose. 

For economy shipping within the United States, delivery is typically around a week after dispatch, though times vary.

With standard shipping, it’s generally 3-5 business days. 

We can also do 2-day or next day shipping at cost: roughtly $15 and $35 respectively. 

Please reach out if you need your cards by a specific date and we will do everything in our power to make sure you get them in time.

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