Full Art Style | Design an MTG Card


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Full art cards in the game of Magic: the Gathering are designed to focus on the art of the card rather than the frame. In recent years, Wizards of the Coast has focused it’s efforts on designing variants of popular and rare cards with a full-art frame.

There have been variations throughout the years, and this particular template is designed based on the Ikaria alternate cards.

Full-art promotional cards are Magic cards featuring art filling the entire card, similar to textless cards; unlike textless cards, however, full-art cards feature text.

Full-art cards are usually distributed as prizes at tournaments. The Magic Champs and States events, and later Magic Game Day, gave away a full-art card to all participants along with a special additional full-art promo for the top 8. The Store Championship similarly offered a full-art promo for participation. So far, there have been two full-art promos given away at Magic Weekend.

Key Features:

  • Focus on Artwork: Our Full Art Style design emphasizes the artwork of your MTG card, allowing it to take center stage. The entire surface of the card becomes a canvas, making each creation a masterpiece that tells its own story.
  • High-Resolution Printing: We understand the importance of detail in art. Our high-resolution printing ensures that every brushstroke and color nuance is captured, providing a gallery-quality finish to your custom cards.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Whether you are an artist or a player with a vision, our intuitive online interface makes the design process seamless. Upload your artwork, adjust the layout, and see your artistic vision come to life on a MTG card.
  • Customization at Its Best: Beyond the artwork, personalize every aspect of your card – from the card name and type to its abilities and flavor text. Our tool gives you the freedom to create a card that is truly yours in both art and function.
  • Affordable Luxury: We believe in making art accessible. Our pricing is competitive, ensuring that you can create full art MTG proxy cards without breaking the bank.

Design Your Own MTG Cards

Our design tools make it easy to design and print your own custom MTG cards. Whether you want to make custom proxy cards of ultra-rare cards like Black Lotus, or make a card as a gift for a friend or family member. We make it easy. 

Quality Proxy Printing and Great Prices

Our high quality printing lets you create high quality totally customized MTG cards at a great price. You can buy a single custom Magic: the Gathering card, or buy in bulk and save!


We use a premium playing card stock that mirrors the thickness and weight of standard MTG cards. When your custom cards are sleeved, there will be no discernable difference from real Magic cards in terms of size etc.

Designing your own MTG cards is both fun and rewarding. For example, artists love to use our service so they can showcase their own artwork. You may want to make cards in a certain theme, such as video game or anime characters.

We often get customers that want to make a card of themself or someone they know. For example, it might be a card with a friends picture on it for a birthday gift or other celebration. Think of the cards Richard Garfield made to celebrate his children and family.

We’ve seen some really cool things that companies have done for employees, too. 

Long story short, there are tons of neat ideas and reasons why you might want to make your own cards.

Reach out to us, our team can help with the design elements as needed.Â