In MTG, the Defender ability is a unique trait assigned to certain creatures. Simply put, creatures with this ability are unable to attack. Initially, this might sound like a drawback. Why have a creature that can’t attack? However, the genius of MTG’s design lies in the balance and depth of its gameplay. Defenders typically possess […]
What is Meld in Magic: the Gathering
In Magic: The Gathering, characters often ascend to powers they once thought unimaginable. But sometimes, that change is so significant that it fundamentally transforms them into a new being. Whether it’s a spark igniting to become a Planeswalker, a completion into a Phyrexian, or a twist by the Eldrazi, such major transformations call for a […]
Radiation Mechanic Explained in Magic: the Gathering
Radiation in Magic: The Gathering (MTG), specifically through the Rad Counters mechanic introduced in the Universes Beyond: Fallout crossover, mimics the concept of radiation from the Fallout series. Rad Counters are unique player-based counters that both represent radiation levels and affect gameplay. Players mill cards and lose life equal to the number of Rad Counters […]
Menace in Magic: the Gathering Explained
In MTG, the ability to “menace” necessitates that two or more creatures block a creature during combat. It was introduced with the Magic Origins set in 2015, replacing the intimidate mechanic. Menace is primarily found in black and red cards and has been included in almost every set since its introduction. The ability enhances combat […]