Magic: The Gathering Will Never Reprint Lightning Bolt in Standard

Lightning Bolt is one of the most popular cards in Magic: The Gathering (MTG). For 1R it deals 3 damage to any target. Simple yet powerful, it’s a staple in every format it’s in. But will it ever be reprinted in Standard?

Why Lightning Bolt is So Good

Lightning Bolt’s low mana cost and ability to target creatures, players or planeswalkers makes it super flexible. Few cards can do that much for 1 mana. It fits into aggressive burn decks, controlling midrange strategies and even defensive builds as a cheap way to answer threats.

The card’s reliability also plays a big role. It’s never really dead in a player’s hand. If there’s no creature to target, it can hit an opponent. This flexibility means decks running 4 copies of Lightning Bolt will always have removal and damage available.

The Problem with Reprinting Lightning Bolt in Standard

The main issue with reprinting Lightning Bolt in Standard is balance. Standard is designed to allow for diversity in deck-building and new strategies. A card like Lightning Bolt can break that balance.

For example:

  • Creature Viability: Many creatures with 3 or less toughness become unplayable because they can be removed for 1 mana. This reduces creature diversity and favors aggressive decks.
  • Faster Meta: Lightning Bolt speeds up games by giving direct damage to players. Decks that aim to win through value or long-term strategies are often at a disadvantage in those environments.
  • Deck Dominance: Historically formats where Lightning Bolt is in see it in nearly every deck that can play red. This dominance reduces deck diversity.

Mark Rosewater’s Comments

Mark Rosewater, MTG’s lead designer, recently talked about the chances of Lightning Bolt coming back to Standard. He said while it’s a fan favorite, it’s a big balance problem. His comments imply that reprinting Lightning Bolt would hurt creature design and format health.

Rosewater’s comments reflect Wizards of the Coast’s overall approach to balance. Cards that centralize the meta too much are often left out of Standard or banned when they become too powerful.

Lightning Bolt in Other Formats

While Lightning Bolt may not be coming back to Standard, it’s still a powerhouse in Modern, Legacy and Commander. In Modern it’s a key piece in Rakdos Delirium decks, serving as removal and a way to close out games.

Commander players love Lightning Bolt for its flexibility and ability to answer smaller threats or finish off opponents. In Legacy it’s what defines the format’s speed and aggression.


Lightning Bolt is a classic card that will always be good in non-rotating formats. But its impact on Standard balance means it’s not coming back. As Magic: The Gathering evolves Wizards of the Coast will continue to prioritize diverse and healthy Standard environments. For fans of Lightning Bolt there are plenty of places to play it – just not in Standard for a while.

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