Magic: The Gathering is all about the metagame. Players who can see the shifts and adjust their decks get a big advantage. Netdecking has its perks but using underplayed but impactful cards can set you apart especially when you’re building your sideboard.
In this article we’ll be looking at the most underrated gems in Standard and Pioneer. These cards are often overlooked but can be the answer to the top decks of the day. Let’s get into these hidden treasures and how they can fit into your gameplan.
Countering Standard’s Curiosity Engine
Dimir Tempo with Enduring Curiosity is one of the top decks in Standard. This engine is hard to beat because it generates value even when the main creature is removed.
Answers to Enduring Curiosity:
- Scorching Dragonfire (Red): An underrated card, Dragonfire’s ability to exile creatures makes it the go to against Enduring Curiosity and other key threats like Enduring Innocence (Mono-White Tokens) and Enduring Vitality (Temur Prowess). It’s efficient and great for aggro decks.
- Blot Out (Black): Another great tool, Blot Out can deal with Archfiend of the Dross and Enduring Curiosity. It’s flexible and adds value across matchups.
Playing with Enduring Curiosity:
For those playing Dimir Tempo, cards like Faebloom Trick are great. This card is a tempo swing by creating evasive attackers while buying time for your strategy.
Dealing with Demons: Standard & Pioneer
Demon based archetypes like Golgari in Standard and Rakdos in Pioneer are built around cards like Unholy Annex/Ritual Chamber. These enchantments provide recurring value and are the core of these decks.
- Annul (Blue): A cheap counterspell that answers Unholy Annex, Fable of the Mirror-Breaker and even Up the Beanstalk. For Izzet Phoenix in Pioneer, Annul is a key sideboard card.
- Invoke Despair (Black): Great in the Rakdos mirror, this card is good in attrition wars. It can remove threats while providing card advantage.
Anti-Demon Aggression:
- Knight of Grace (White): Protection from black makes this card a great threat against Demon heavy decks. Pair it with Monstrous Rage or Ethereal Armor for maximum damage.
- Blood Baron of Vizkopa (White/Black): In Pioneer, this creature’s lifelink and protection from black/red can win games in the Demon mirror.
Crushing Aggro Strategies
Standard’s Convoke and Auras decks are known for their explosive starts so early game preparation is key to survival.
Answers to Convoke:
- Gleeful Demolition (Red): A way to disrupt Convoke decks. It’s great at breaking up wide boards generated by early game synergies.
- Neutralize the Guards (Blue): Not often played but great for decks with small creatures. It can neutralize token armies like those from Resolute Reinforcements without harming your board state.
Answers to Auras:
- Nowhere to Run (Red): This enchantment is great against aura heavy decks, especially against Sheltered by Ghosts. Its static ability ensures your removal is not hindered by protective enchantments.
- Tactical Targeting for Toadstool Admirer (Green): Not as common but it’s good to be prepared for Selesnya Enchantments decks where Nowhere to Run can also be good.
Stay Ahead of the Meta
MTG is all about adaptability. By knowing the meta and using these hidden gems you can outmaneuver opponents who are playing the expected. Whether it’s countering Dimir Tempo’s Enduring Curiosity engine, dismantling Demon archetypes or shutting down explosive aggro decks, these underrated cards will give you the edge.
Keep these cards on your radar, and you’ll be well-equipped to handle whatever the metagame throws at you!